Sam Church

Sam Church is a jobbing illustrator, but also a naturally inquisitive, talkative person, which has led to:
-writing & illustrating kids' history books (including a history of St Paul's Cathedral),
-leading all kinds of workshops for the likes of RWA, The Holbourne Museum and Green Man Festival
-scribing/live drawing at events and (as a direct spin off) making explainer films
-singing and making visuals for the Fantasy Orchestra,
- a BAFTA nomination for an animated film for CBBC's Anti Bullying Week.
...and making props for and extraing in the occasional pop video.
Generally if it involves fun, conversation, making something cool happen or helping people tell a story he's in.
Occasionally wears a stupid hat to make himself seem more interesting.
Sam uses the BV Open Studio as a chance to air the stuff he does for fun - including gig visuals and drawings of musicians playing live - and to guff on about the joy of picking up a pencil from time to time.