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Sam Church

Sam Church work

Sam Church is a jobbing illustrator, but also a naturally inquisitive, talkative person, which has led to:


  • -writing & illustrating kids' history books (including a history of St Paul's Cathedral),

  • -leading all kinds of workshops for the likes of RWA, The Holbourne Museum and Green Man Festival

  • -scribing/live drawing at events and (as a direct spin off) making explainer films 

  • -singing and making visuals for the Fantasy Orchestra, 

  • - a BAFTA nomination for an animated film for CBBC's Anti Bullying Week.

  • ...and making props for and extraing in the occasional pop video.  


Generally if it involves fun, conversation, making something cool happen or helping people tell a story he's in.


Occasionally wears a stupid hat to make himself seem more interesting. 


Sam uses the BV Open Studio as a chance to air the stuff he does for fun - including gig visuals and drawings of musicians playing live - and to guff on about the joy of picking up a pencil from time to time.

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